Congestion - each person on a bike is one less car on the road.
Health - making some journeys by bike can help lose weight and stay fit
Carbon emissions - travel by bike is zero emmission
Air pollution - Truro has an air pollution problem. More journeys by bike can help reduce emissions
Fun - it's an enjoyable way to get around
We want to see cycle provision that makes cycling possible for everyone - children cycling to school and older people who might want to use an adapted bike, eg a tricycle.
Transport for London has the most up to date standards - TFL Cycle Design Standards - based on the Dutch approach of measures suitable for each type of street.
Your employer may have a scheme to help you with the upfront costs of buying a bike.
There are lots of local businesses in Truro which can help you with repairs to keep your bike safe and on the road.
There are lots of fantastic routes within cycling distance of Truro, or which can be reached by train.